Chronic Care Management Companies : Top 10 Features – HealthArc

Chronic Care Management Companies

Chronic Care Management features allow the companies to systematize the operations in medical practices for chronic care successfully. It can sometimes be intimidating to know what features are important for an impactful Chronic Care Management program.

The best way for you to ensure that patients battling chronic conditions have a better quality of life is by knowing the top ten features that will make your program successful and can prevent patients from making expensive and time-consuming mistakes.

Features of the Top Chronic Care Management Companies:

1. Security

Chronic care management companies secures patient information about patients’ health; your Chronic Care Management program should have high-security standards. Technology and all the processes related to the CCM program will need to be secured with HIPAA compliance.

Effective HIPAA Compliance with HITRUST certifications secures patient health monitoring against data breaches that cause reputational and financial risks to providers.

2. Compliance

Like other healthcare programs, Chronic care management companies must ensure a detailed and strict level of compliance needed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Practitioners should be well trained and involved in the CCM program by keeping in mind the rules to be followed.

Regular quality audits are needed to measure the quality of services performed, patient satisfaction, and the financial cost to the patient and the chronic care management companies to achieve the desired result to ensure compliance.

3. Enrollment

The Enrollment feature of your chronic care management companies is a crucial key to success.

Chronic conditions for which a patient is eligible to enroll are:

  • Diabetes

A chronic care management program provides tools to control blood sugar levels. Chronic care management patients should receive the assistance of coordinators in implementing changes for prediabetes and diabetes control management.

The Chronic Care Management coordinators should encourage patients and help them prevent diabetes complications from enjoying healthful lives.

  • Cardiovascular Disease

A Chronic Care Management Program helps improve a patient’s life with good dietary support and by ensuring daily physical activities of the patient.

  • Cancer

The Chronic Care Management Program improves the processes for practitioners. Providers should also be able to educate and counsel the patients about the processes. In response, patients should give their full support to the providers.

Apart from this, a patient’s condition is expected to last for more than a year. And, if the chronic condition is highly risky, that can cause the patient’s death. Then the particular patient can enroll in Chronic Care Management Program.

Practices need a team of trained professionals to call the eligible beneficiaries with 2 or more chronic conditions to educate them on the program’s benefits and boost their motivation to enroll.

Seems easy to maximize the CCM program? No, the same professionals must be skilled in marketing strategies to achieve a high enrollment rate. If not, you will end up with a much smaller CCM patient population without these skillsets.

4. Net Patient Churn Management

Chronic care management companies must be data-centered to manage the patients’ churn. The everyday data CCM companies will be evaluating:

  • Data Reconciliation/Data Extraction and processing
  • Eligibility Verification/Patients’ eligibility, lists reviewed and approved
  • Education Campaigns/Marketing emails and other programs
  • Enrollment Consent/Patient consents recorded and archived

You will not be able to maximize your results without the ability to manage your churn data, and as a result, your program can quickly become a mess. All companies that average a negative Net Patient Churn (NPC) in the CCM program will lead them to program dissolution.

5. Clinical Interoperability

Your Chronic Care Management will need to have a clear image of the EHR to achieve clinical interoperability. It will allow patients’ care plans to be stored in the EHR, and the data will flow both ways professionally.

There are large EHR systems, so make sure your CCM program can integrate with yours.

6. Analytical Reporting

For a strong chronic care management program, there are many tools to track and review clinical operations, inbound and outbound calls on SLAs, and other important performance standards.

The practices are typically short on time already, so it can be difficult to find the time to know the details of your program. So, it is significant to have strong analytical reporting tools and a customer support team who can assist you whenever needed.

Analytical reporting

7. Easy & Effective Billing

A billing team needs to be set up to maximize your reimbursement in Chronic Care Management.

It would be best to use CCM software to systematize the billing process effectively for CCM claims. If your billing team creates the claims manually, it will take at least 3 hours for 100 CCM claims.

But a data exchange between your Practice Management System and your CCM software will take only a few simple clicks for 100 completed CCM claims. You will end up freeing the needed resources for your practice.

CCM easy & effective billing

8. Clinical Team

The clinical team will be the core of your Chronic Care Management program because they are the ones who will perform care coordination duties for your patients. Their capability is projected to improve patients’ clinical outcomes, leading to better health and reduced readmissions.

The Clinical Team will include- Physicians, Non-Physicians (Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants).

The Clinical team is responsible for treating your enrolled patients and their chronic diseases through preventive care. It includes building a comprehensive care plan, follow-up, and high-quality care.

The clinical team will need to be fully trained to handle patient inquiries 24×7 every year.

clinical team of chronic care management company

9. User-Friendly Interface

A good interface in your Chronic Care Management Program can solve the problems for your practices in the easiest and fastest way with seamless navigation, leading to the immediate solutions that are needed to be followed.

A good interface should be easily accessible with the capacity to add updates on your patient population. Due to the time limits, this is necessary to make better quality decisions.

User friendly interface chronic care management company

10. Ongoing Training

Training is necessary to equip your team to address the queries of everyone coming to you. Your customer care team needs to be ready to discuss all issues and provide effective grievance redressal.

Constant training and communications are necessary for a better turnout.

Also Read: What is remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM)?

Conclusion: The Utility Of A CCM Program Can Be Leveraged With HealthArc

Through Chronic Care Management Program, patients can enroll in high-quality healthcare services from specialists remotely and regularly under medical supervision to prevent risks.

Patients’ engagement and satisfaction rates are significantly high, and most of them experience regular improvements in their well-being when they get engaged with a high-quality Chronic Care Management program.

Therefore, Chronic Care Management is a better alternative for the physical visits of patients, by ensuring continuous medical assessment and virtual evaluation of chronically ill patients, for successful and consistent management of their medical complaints to get better results.

HealthArc’s chronic care management program solution is weighted with features that result in a 94% increase in patient satisfaction rates, leading to very convenient and fast care programs for healthcare practices. It is made to help practices succeed in healthcare’s most important goal: improving patient satisfaction.

Physicians’ workload with HealthArc reduces to 43%, with a net increase in revenue. Hence, HealthArc’s chronic care management solution ensures that their practices connect to patients with increased clinical efficiency by increasing patient engagement virtually.

Schedule a demo today to learn more about chronic care management (CCM) services.

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