Top 15 Features Of The Best Remote Patient Monitoring Companies For Hospitals

Top 15 Features Of The Best Remote Patient Monitoring Companies For Hospitals

Remote patient monitoring is an easy and convenient healthcare method used by practices for patients suffering from 2 or more chronic conditions. Remote patient monitoring through modern technological advancements in healthcare benefits patients and practices virtually.

Many features of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) make it an effective care delivery method for remote patient monitoring companies.

The Top 15 Features of Top 10 Remote Patient Monitoring Companies

  1. Data-Driven Clinical Decision Making

Remote patient monitoring allows providers to evaluate the changes in the patient’s treatment to make a proper care plan for the patient. Providers actively track the clinical data of the patients in between the practice hours.

In remote patient monitoring, important patient data is gathered, examined, processed, and interpreted through data-driven clinical decision-making. It enables the providers to measure treatment results. It is a helpful feature of remote patient monitoring to keep the patient’s sensitive data secure.

  1. Self-Management and Care Plan Adherence

The remote patient monitoring devices help practices provide appropriate care. The involvement of patients in learning how to use the devices and monitor their health effectively increases.

With remote patient monitoring companies like HealthArc, positive health outcomes are likely to occur when a patients are aware of their condition, the specific care plan, and the role of remote patient monitoring in improving their health. Patients’ engagement is further increased by easy access to health education resources.

  1. Cost of Care Reduction for Payers and Providers

It is a feature of remote patient monitoring for remote patient monitoring companies that helps the practices reduce the compensation costs at the time of readmissions. Remote patient monitoring resulted in shorter stays for the patients by lowering the cost of care.

The remote patient monitoring method reduces the high cost of after-care services leading to patients self-monitoring from their respective homes.

  1. Boosts Net Patient Revenue

The remote patient monitoring method reduces administrative costs and improves staff productivity and workflow efficiency.

Remote patient monitoring gives practitioners more opportunities to raise their net patient revenue by getting additional monthly RPM reimbursements without compromising their existing practice revenue.

  1. Improves Access to Care

Remote patient monitoring for the top 10 remote patient monitoring companies such as HealthArc help in facing challenges during care delivery. Physicians virtually evaluate the data of the patients without visiting their places.

Remote patient monitoring helps physicians develop a complete awareness of a patient’s health status for more precise treatments. The access to care coordination feature of remote patient monitoring reduces the time gap for physicians to visit patients during working hours.

  1. Optimizes Clinical Staff Efficiency and Combats Clinical Staff Shortages

Physicians can prioritize the treatment methods for patients virtually with less documentation. Remote patient monitoring helps physicians reduce in-person visits to patients, resulting in reduced clinical staff shortages and increased work flexibility.

  1. Prevents the Spread of Infectious Diseases and Hospital-Related Infections

Preventing infectious diseases is another benefit of remote patient monitoring. Patients who use remote patient monitoring methods avoid going to a hospital or clinic, where they risk getting infected.

Using remote patient monitoring methods for patients suffering from one or more chronic conditions avoids the risk of unwanted diseases.

  1. Boosts Patients’ Satisfaction and Loyalty

Remote patient monitoring reduces the gap between the patient and the service provider. Patients’ satisfaction and loyalty towards the provider are increased with an assurance that the patient is receiving good and elevated healthcare from their medical provider.

  1. More Referral Opportunities

More recommendations for the practices that provide excellent patient care benefit from remote patient monitoring. It leads to competitive advantage, increased new admissions, and old patient retention.

  1. Easy-to-Access Interface

Both patients and service providers easily communicate with the help of an easy-to-use remote patient monitoring interface anywhere from their comfort zones. With the help of the interface, providers efficiently track patients’ health data and provide patients with better care delivery methods.

Providers easily access the data whenever required with the help of the interface promptly and precisely. It is helping the patients recovering from surgery or living at a far distance from the practices.

  1. Better Transparency

Transparency between patients and healthcare professionals is possible due to the ability of patients to examine all the data from remote patient monitoring devices. It promotes trust. A key factor everyone considers when picking a medical facility.

The information educates the patients so they can modify their lifestyles and choose healthier options.

  1. Speed and Accuracy

Remote patient monitoring allows evidence-based decision-making for physicians. It saves time for physicians to analyze and report the data. And, so physicians easily come up with faster and better decision-making.

  1. Look Out for Security and Compliance

One of the most important key features of remote patient monitoring is security. Implementing information involves various clinicians who disclose crucial information through remote patient monitoring devices, which involves exposure to privacy risks. Remote patient monitoring should have high-security standards.

Technology and all the processes related to remote patient monitoring will need to be secured with HIPAA compliance. Effective HIPAA Compliance with HITRUST certifications will secure patient health monitoring against data breaches that cause reputational and financial risks to providers. Like other healthcare programs, your remote patient monitoring program must ensure a detailed and strict level of compliance.

Practitioners should be well-trained and involved in the remote patient monitoring program by keeping in mind the rules to be followed. Regular quality audits are needed to measure the quality of services performed, patient satisfaction, and the financial cost to the patient and the provider to achieve the desired result to ensure compliance.

  1. Clinical Interoperability

Your remote patient monitoring will need to have a clear image of the EHR. It will allow patients’ care plans to be stored in the EHR, and the data will flow both ways professionally.

There are large EHR systems, so ensure your remote patient monitoring program can integrate with yours.

  1. Analytical Reporting

There are many tools to track and review clinical operations and other important performance standards for an effective remote patient monitoring program.

The practices are typically short on time already, so it can be difficult to find the time to know the details of your program. So, it is significant to have strong analytical reporting tools and a support team who can assist you whenever needed.

Why Choose HealthArc As One of the Best Remote Patient Monitoring Companies

HealthArc’s remote patient monitoring program benefits with features that increase patient satisfaction rates leading to implementing care programs for healthcare practices very conveniently and fast. It is made to help practices succeed in healthcare’s most important goal: improving care facilities.

Physicians’ workload at HealthArc was reduced to 43%.

Therefore, HealthArc’s remote patient monitoring ensures that their practices connect to patients with increased clinical efficiency by increasing patient engagement virtually, ensuring:

  • You Gain Additional Revenue

The remote patient monitoring features of HealthArc enable practices to gain additional revenue by compensating less due to reduced readmissions.

With HealthArc’s remote patient monitoring features, 100 practices have gained 120K USD in additional revenue. You can improve your practice revenue with HealthArc’s remote patient monitoring method.

  • You are Result-Oriented

With the help of HealthArc’s remote patient monitoring features, physicians easily fetch patients’ data leading to improved healthcare outcomes for the patient.

  • You have Security

HealthArc maintains effective security standards for the information obtained from remote patient monitoring devices. With the help of the practices, patients, and other parties involved, the HealthArc team ensures that security is maintained effectively.

The app features restrict the misuse of data, as, at all times, we follow encryption and decryption, so even if any data gets in the hands of anyone with the ill intent of misusing it, it won’t be misused.

  • You Build Effective Relationship

Aside from keeping an eye on health, remote patient monitoring also increases positive interactions between patients and service providers, leading to virtual counseling sessions.

The rapport thus formed helps in keeping up with the trust of the patients. With more trust, they will abide by prescriptions and even take their health seriously, knowing that someone is always there to check on them.

  • You Improve Profitability

The benefits of using Remote Patient Monitoring include improving practice profitability. It helps practices improve their revenue streams by getting CMS reimbursements while lowering the cost of managing chronic care and the operational overheads.

Improve your Practice’s Efficiency with HealthArc’s RPM

HealthArc has made its way to the top 10 remote patient monitoring companies by creating a comprehensive unified digital health platform.

HealthArc’s remote patient monitoring method has immensely profited the practices during, and post-pandemic by ensuring positive virtual counseling between patients and medical providers for care treatments and is still in demand after the pandemic.

Schedule a demo today and learn more about remote patient monitoring services.